Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Lindsay Brommeland

From left: Shayne (holding the late Trusty Curtis), Todd (with Loyal Tony), Lindsay, and Lionel. Supplied

Lindsay Brommeland, her husband Todd Homan, their daughter Shayne, and Lionel, their Leonberger dog, deliver Boyle McCauley News. The most well known member of the family is probably Lionel, for as they walk by Giovanni Caboto Park one can hear children’s voices calling out to Lionel to say hi.

Todd, Lindsay, and Shayne moved to McCauley approximately four years ago because of affordability. They have since spent “a fortune” remodeling, and they are nowhere near done with that project. Most of us can identify with the unrelenting need for repairs and remodels, but it is certainly worth the effort.

Lindsay works for Sun Media as a Senior Account Executive, and due to her newspaper background felt it was a good fit to volunteer for our paper.Lindsay believes that we need to “repair our inner city” rather than push the problems out, or worse yet, by moving to the suburbs.

Todd is a pipefitter and Shayne is a high school student. I believe this family carries on the BMC News tradition in the best way. We are indeed fortunate to have new families and new volunteers take on roles as carriers in our neighbourhood. Thank you Lindsay, Todd and Shayne – and Lionel!

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