Little Italy Lego Competition Sparks Creativity
Kids from all over Edmonton brought their colourful creations to the Italian Centre for fun and prizes.

The Viva Italia District Association was pleased to hold its first Annual Little Italy Lego Competition on February 10th at Spinelli’s Bar Italia. With prizes of up to $250 in Little Italy gift cards, we had kids from all over Edmonton bring examples of their Lego building brilliance: Leaning Towers of Pisa, Roman Coliseum Scenes, perfect Pantheons of Rome, and one very cool robot.
The tribunal of judges had a difficult time making their choices, but after much deliberation and tabulation they selected three winners in the ages 5 to 10 category and three more in the ages 11-16. Congratulations to Antonio, Benjamin, and Kiev; and to Myles, Daphne, and Carson. We hope that you have fun spending your winnings in Little Italy and we look forward to seeing you all, and your Lego, again next year.
Special thanks to Greg Brandenburg of McCauley Revitalization for sourcing our prizes and venue.
Photos by Teresa Spinelli.
Danny Hoyt is the Development Coordinator, Viva Italia District Association.