Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


McCauley AGM Review

Our Annual General Meeting was on December 13th, 2020. We had the pleasure of having Chris and Jennie from the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues to facilitate the meeting. The meeting was virtual and done via Zoom and was accessible by phone for those without video conferencing capabilities. We had some minor technical difficulties, but everyone did great as we navigated our way through it.

We had the pleasure of hearing the President’s Report written by out-going President Greg Lane, which was read by the current President Jordynn Vis (me). Then, we had some discussions based on our current situation as a board during these pandemic seasons. Much of this is a focus on administrative tasks and implementing procedures and protocols within the League itself to maintain and improve communication between the League and the community. In the end, after this scheduled administrative focus, we hope to have financial reports, grants, funds, and plans more readily accessible for the community. The financial report was delayed from being reported at the AGM due to minor complications. The League and the community voted on a full audit of all financial histories of the League from previous years. The League aims to have this financial report ready for March of 2021, when the next AGM is tentatively scheduled (specific date TBD).

We ended the meeting with the much anticipated discussion on the rink and pending opening dates. The League experienced some legal red tape that we had to get through before the official opening of the rink, hence the very delayed opening of the rink this season. Since much of what the League normally does throughout the year cannot be currently done due to the pandemic (in-person larger gatherings, events, etc.), part of our focus will be to put protocols and procedures for the rink in place so future winter seasons should not have the same delays as this year.

Motions were made to relieve past board members of their signatory duties and signing authorities and pass those onto the new board members. A new board slate was voted in.

The new Executive board members are:
Jordynn Vis, President
Kevin Jones, Vice President
Meagan Auer, Secretary
Linn Cardinal, Treasurer

The board Members-at-Large are: Grace Kuipers, Adam Snider, Alice Kos, and David Williamson. To request a copy of the AGM minutes, please private message the McCauley Community League Facebook page @McCauleyCommunityLeague.

Jordynn Vis is the President of the McCauley Community League.

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