Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Return of the McCauley Community Orchard and Gardens

The McCauley Community Orchard and Gardens is back! Thanks to all the community members and organizations who worked tirelessly to get the space back up and running for the 2023 season under the new stewardship of Sustainable Food Edmonton!

Do you wish you knew more about fruit trees, orchards, and what it takes to grow great fruit in Edmonton? We are looking at dividing up the orchard into 12 sections (2-3 trees per section) and providing interested individuals and groups with the opportunity to learn how to grow, maintain, troubleshoot and harvest their sections. Each section would require approximately 3-4 hours of work per month – done on your schedule each month!

We also have 20 raised bed garden plots available for gardeners for this season – individuals and groups are welcome to inquire for a bed to grow all the annual veggies and flowers they’d like.

We will be hosting work bees, gardening workshops, orchard workshops, cider pressings, and more. We would love to have you all join us on the site this summer. The outdoor space will be available for events, celebrations, festivals, and more.

Questions? Suggestions? Do you want a garden plot or an orchard section? Do you want to volunteer with us? Would you like to host an event or workshop at the site? Please reach out to Shannon at

Information provided by Sustainable Food Edmonton.

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