Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


McCauley Rink: A Hub of Activity

The participants in this year’s McCauley Cup. Dan Glugosh

So far, this winter has been a big success at the McCauley skating rink. The rink opened at the beginning of December, was closed for only three days due to weather, and we had 805 come out to use the facility, in one month alone. I can’t thank enough those who make the program such a success! Being able to see so many people get outside, exercise, and enjoy the winter skating and playing hockey at the rink is wonderful!

On December 23, over 75 kids and around 40 police officers came out for the seventh annual McCauley Cup, the popular hockey game between the kids and the Downtown Beat police. This event was started seven years ago by the Downtown Beat Division and the McCauley Community League, to develop a better relationship with the community. It gives both youth and the EPS a chance to have some fun and get to know each other while playing a good old-fashioned game of hockey. If you think the kids don’t get excited leading up to the game, think again. I heard stories that kids were coming out to practice their hockey and skating skills at the rink before the big game. It’s become an event that many look forward to and I enjoy watching everyone have a great time at the game.

Before the start of the game there was an official ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the new rink boards. This was done by a very special guest, Edmonton Oilers’ forward, Nail Yakupov, as well as Al Hamilton, Edmonton Oilers alumni and director for KIDS. The official puck dropping for the game was done by Al Hamilton, Nail Yakupov, Mike Van Boom, Dave Prodan, and EPS Superintendent Greg Preston. Nail Yakupov also stayed to give away 40 signed Warrior hockey sticks, took pictures, and signed autographs for the kids. A big thank-you goes out to Nail Yakupov, the Edmonton Oilers, and Warrior Sports.

Once again, the event could not take place and be so successful without the help of many people and sponsors. Many thanks go to the following: Downtown Police Division; Ed McIsaac, EPS Inspector; Greg Preston, EPS Superintendent; Const. Terrance Jakubowski, EPS Downtown Division; the Edmonton Police Foundation; Sports Central; United Cycle; ATB Financial; Elite Sportswear & Awards; Challenge Insurance Group; Italian Bakery; McCauley Community League; KIDS; Al Hamilton, Lyle Kulchisky; Edmonton Oilers Foundation; Edmonton Oilers Alumni; and McCauley Revitalization.

The renovations to the rink boards were just finishing as I wrote my last article and our community would like to give a big thank-you to the following who helped make this happen – without your help we would not have been able to get this done. Thank you to: Canadian Arena Products who donated all the labour for the assembly of the boards; Align Fencing for donating the fencing and labour on both ends of the rink; E4C for looking after the money; David Prodan for putting the proposal together; the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation and Hockey Canada for the $61,213.49; Joan Kirillo from KIDS for helping with the proposal; Al Hamilton who is always getting sponsors excited about helping; Lyle Kulchisky (KIDS) for always “being there;” and the City of Edmonton and the McCauley Community League for their ongoing support.

On December 31, the McCauley Community League held the second annual New Year’s Eve skating party. There were close to 50 kids, parents and friends who came out on this warm evening to help celebrate the end of 2015. Thank you to McCauley Revitalization for the hotdogs, chips, and drinks. Also thank you to our volunteers Grace Kuipers and Elizabeth McEwan for all your hard work.

I would like to remind everyone that the City of Edmonton is offering a free drop-in learn to skate program every Wednesday which started in January and continues on February 3, 10, 17 and 24 from 4-7 p.m. No experience or registration is needed and all ages are welcome.Thank you to the City of Edmonton. Also, whenever you come to the McCauley skating rink, skates and helmets are always available for you to use at no charge. Please check our Facebook and website at for other programming.

We are now getting ready for the very popular Family Day skating party on Monday, February 15, from 2-5 p.m. We will have wagon rides, hotdogs, hot chocolate, a bonfire, and everyone is invited. Come out and spend the afternoon in McCauley on Family Day.

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