Milestone Birthdays
Milestone birthdays – usually meaning those ending in a zero or a five – can accompany contemplation about the meaning of life, goals, and where one wants to be in another year’s time.
Boyle McCauley News celebrates a milestone birthday in 2019. As the paper turns 40, we look back upon the previous decades to see from where we have come, while at the same time looking towards the future.
I am currently working on a short documentary to celebrate the paper’s 40th birthday, and in doing so had the opportunity to speak with some of the paper’s founders. I knew many of these names from reading the mastheads in past issues, but most of them I have never before met in person. It was incredible to talk to them about their experiences developing and working on the paper. They reflected with wisdom and nostalgia on this part of their lives when they were in their 20s (or so).
I am privileged to be part of this history. In fact, our current staff team – Editor (me), Designer (Vikki Wiercinski), and Volunteer Coordinator (Colleen Chapman) – have all been a part of the paper for more than a quarter of its existence. Rosalie Gelderman, our Bookkeeper, celebrates 20 years with the paper this year. And we have many volunteers who have been with the paper since the beginning (or close).
Boyle McCauley News: 40 Years – The Little Community Newspaper That Could will be premiering at our Gala on March 9. Afterwards, it will be available to view online. For now, you can learn more about the film and view the trailer at: