Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


More News on BSCL Programming at the Plaza

Over the last few months you have read about the changes in management of the Boyle Community Centre. An agreement is being signed any moment now with the City, and the YMCA will administer some of the community centre space. This agreement will last three years.

What does this mean for our BSCL programming? It’s mainly an administrative change, and should make little difference to community members signed up in existing programs or interested in planning new ones. The BSCL will still have our office and programming in the Boyle Street Plaza, and we will work closely with the City and the YMCA to make sure that as we begin new programs, they are offered seamlessly to community members.

Programs through the League have been “grandparented” in as part of our space allocation agreement. Programs and rentals for the Evergreen Rooms (beside the BSCL office) will continue to book their space through the Community League, while anyone wishing to rent the gym, atrium, and Willow Room will book their space at the front desk through the YMCA’s booking systems. As far as we know, the following programs are a go for fall (call or drop in to the main desk to confirm):

  • Badminton, Gym, Saturdays 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
  • Art Class with Svetlana, Evergreen Room, Sundays, 10:30 to 1:30 p.m.
  • Hip Hop with Michael Wolfe, Willow Room, Thursdays 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
  • Inner City Rec Society, Gym, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
  • Piu Yum Social Club, Willow Room, Mondays 12:30 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Native drumming circle with Lawrence Crier, Willow Room (TBC), Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Flashmobs! (Heart of Boyle Street photography project), ongoing – watch our Facebook or sign up for our e-mail newsletter to hear about when spontaneous photo shoots (“flashmobs” – pun intended!) will take place. If you have photos of Boyle Street people and places to add, get in touch!

The YMCA will also be offering programming in the spaces they now administer, and will co-operate with the BSCL to ensure that programs don’t compete with ours. Board members, the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, the YMCA, and City representatives have worked on this process to try to reach an outcome that is in the best interests of our whole community. We thank our board volunteers for their participation in this strenuous process – great work, Jordan especially, and all those who took extra meetings all summer.

The biggest change for us administratively is in staffing. We’ll keep you posted on who’s who at the zoo as we continue planning for fall, winter and the upcoming three years!

The bottom line is business as usual—which means that if you have a need for a program or an idea for the League, get in touch with us at (780) 426-9264 or our cell (780) 422-5857, and leave us a message. If you join the League (still free this year!) you will be placed on the list for our e-mail newsletter, and anyone from any community can sign up by sending us a request at Last but not least, check in on our Facebook page or send us a program idea via e-mail. Volunteers are welcome!

The BSCL Board continues to work on development issues and civics as well. We have provided or will be providing input into various City planning processes and are always interested in volunteers who want to have a say in shaping our neighbourhood. Look for our occasional public meetings or consultations that we host with others such as City planners or people planning projects in Boyle Street community. Call us if you have a development or planning concern on which you’d like to work with us.

By the way, the next AGM is sooner than any of us think, so if you are interested in serving on the board, send us your name and address and we will start our board development process (note that new board members and staff may be asked to submit references or a Vulnerable Persons Records Check). Board meetings this winter will be the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m.

Keep warm, and enjoy Boyle Street this fall!

– Your BSCL Board

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