Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Multicultural BBQ and Soccer Tournament

Event based in McCauley will hopefully become annual.

Hadeel Othman

Gary Pruden and Connie Kennedy handed out medals to young soccer players at the Edmonton Multicultural Coalition’s BBQ and Soccer Tournament held at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre (former McCauley School) on Saturday, August 12. Coincidentally, Gary attended McCauley School in the mid-1940s and he was happy to celebrate players from the Galaxy and Lightening at the tournament. The teams were made up of youth from McCauley and ethno-cultural communities the Coalition works with. Galaxy won the game and are the 2017 champions of what will hopefully become an annual tournament played at the Centre.

McCauley residents Brad Vince and his son Mecah were part of the Edmonton Multicultural Coalition’s recent BBQ and Soccer Tournament at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre. Mecah played on the Lightening team and his dad cooked chicken and veggie burgers. Brad is also a part-time facility host at the Centre. The Centre wants to work with the McCauley community on similar events in the future.

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