Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


New Street Prints Calendars and Cards

Also: Christmas Rock and Roll Dinner, and a new recreation program for Indigenous women.

New cards and a 2020 calendar from Street Prints. Mike Siek

Street Prints Calendars Hot Off the Press!
Over the past year, the Street Prints Artist Collective has been involved in community initiatives, art sales, and gala events. We have seen our artists grow through changes and challenges, and we have watched as they create beautiful artwork throughout the year. Each year we celebrate our artists with a calendar and hand-made greeting cards.

This year, we have brought together 12 of the most colourful pieces of frame-ready art and put them into a beautiful 2020 wall-hanging calendar, and several new designs for cards – perfect as a gift this holiday season! We just received the first batch, hot off the printer from our supportive friends at UR Signs (111 Avenue and 90th Street). The calendars cost $20, and cards are $5 each (or six for $25), with all profits going directly to the collective artists!

You can contact to order your calendar or if you have any questions. We hand deliver within the Boyle Street and McCauley area, or we can hold yours for pickup at Boyle Street Community Services. You can also get your calendar from Mint Drugs on Church Street (10631 96th Street). Visit us on Facebook for more information:

Fifth Annual Live Rock & Roll Christmas Dinner Planned at BSCS
Every year for the last four years, Barefoot Bob Cook and his crew of talented musicians come down to Boyle Street Community Services drop-in on Christmas day, and perform a few hours of live rock-and-roll music for the folks having Christmas dinner at the drop-in. They have dubbed this the Boyle Street Music Fest! This infusion of loud, energetic, and danceable music is just the ticket for a cold and sometimes lonely day. The whole crowd can be seen shaking their heads and clapping along while they eat, and the dance floor is rarely empty throughout the afternoon.

This Christmas will mark the fifth annual event, and although Bob won’t be able to make it out this time, he will be getting his gang of musicians together to once again rock the drop-in for another Boyle Street Music Fest. Come down and join the festivities if you’re in the mood to share your holiday with us. Heck, you might be able to dance with a few new friends!

Threads: An Iskwew Health Program
The Inner City Recreation and Wellness Program has launched a new program aimed at reducing barriers to recreation for young Indigenous females residing in Edmonton. Although the program caters to Indigenous females between 16 to 36, the program is open to any female-identified community members who want to learn about the basics of exercise – movement and play – in a safe space provided by the Native Healing Centre. The program runs on Thursdays at the Edmonton Native Healing Centre (11813 123 Street) at 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

Boyle Street Community Services provides transportation departing from the Bissell Centre at 11:30 a.m. and from BSCS at 12:00 p.m. A bagged lunch, runners, exercise clothing, and a water bottle are also provided. All members of the community are encouraged to join us as we come to learn new ways to move, play, and inhabit space!

Rebecca Kaiser and Mike Siek are Program Coordinators with ICRWP.

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