Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


New Volunteer Position: Newspaper Box Technician

Newspaper box at Boyle Street Plaza. File Photo

Are you handy? Do you like fixing things? Do you have your own tools? Would you like to share your gift of making small repairs with the community? If the answer is yes, Boyle McCauley News has a new volunteer opportunity that might be a great fit.

We are looking for someone who will visit our five newspaper boxes approximately once a month to check on them and make minor repairs as needed.

Our newspaper boxes are located at:

  • 10844 95 Street (near Sorrentino’s)
  • 86 Street & Jasper Avenue (by Riverside Towers)
  • Boyle Street Plaza (by main entrance)
  • 97 Street & 103 Avenue (near Farmers Market)
  • 97 Street & 107 Avenue (near Lucky 97)

You must be able to visit the boxes approximately once per month: any time during a non-publishing month at your convenience, and shortly before we distribute a print issue (issues are scheduled for distribution on the first of February, April, June, August, October, and December). Using your own tools, you will make minor repairs to the boxes as needed (such as fixing bent door hinges, putting the inside shelf back in place if it has fallen, removing any garbage thrown into the boxes . . . ). You will report back to the volunteer coordinators as to the state of the boxes and if they need more papers.

Our volunteers are invited to our volunteer appreciation events and get other cool perks (like having your name in the paper). If you are interested, email

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