Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


October-November 2024

Happy autumn! The October-November edition of Boyle McCauley News features news, views, and event coverage from the neighbourhoods of McCauley and Boyle Street. 

Much of the content of this newspaper is thanks to community members who volunteer their time and talents to contribute. If you are reading a physical copy of the paper that was delivered to your home, that is thanks to our volunteer Block Carriers. We are always looking for volunteer contributors and Block Carriers. Email me at to learn more about the kinds of content we welcome, as well as what routes we have available. 

Many of our readers enjoy the paper online at Bookmark that address - it is where you can subscribe to our free e-newsletter that highlights content from each new issue, as well as exclusive stories you can only find at our website. 

Our website also hosts the sign-up page to become a member of the non-profit society that oversees the operations of the paper. Do you love Boyle McCauley News and want to see it thrive? Membership is free  and you will occasionally receive notices and information. To learn more  about membership visit the sign-up page here:

Enjoy the issue and see you next time.

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