Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


On Love’s Complexities

Some claim that love makes the world go around. If someone tells you that, they’re probably trying to sell you personal care products. No one will care about you if you smell bad, don’t you know? Love is used as a marketing tool to make you buy stuff because the one basic fear we all have is that no one will ever love us. Maybe if we smell nice or find the right lipstick shade or drive an expensive car we will find that elusive unconditional love.

Love is not something that is granted because of a high income. It is not a thing to be bought or bartered for. It is not the magical cure to all aliments. Love enriches our lives.

I cannot claim to be a guru of love. I have been with my husband for almost half my life and I still don’t fully understand what it is that keeps us together. He once described our relationship as a prepubescent girl’s dream: long walks, deep conversations, and tireless handholding. Despite the backhanded remarks I continue on with him because one thing I do understand is that I would not be the person I am without his influence and support.

It is also through our relationship that I’ve developed some tolerance and maybe even some empathy for the human race. It is through loving someone that one comes to realize that everyone is precious. Just as I love my husband, someone adores this stranger before me. This person suffering could be my dearest. These people love as I l do and feel as I do. Love is a concept most of us come to understand and in that understanding we come to comprehend humanity on a deeper level.

Like humanity, love can be a great big pain in the behind. Love, while it does have its magical aspects, also consists of duties, responsibilities, and obligations. That means that I cannot ignore phone calls and social outings to eternity. While there are certainly times I would rather just keep my own company, I am obliged to spend time with the people of whom I am fond. My family, friends, husband, and even my co-workers are all loved but there are times when I wish they would all disappear so I can have a moment to my own thoughts. Love means that you share yourself with people.

That can be difficult if one hasn’t found the most basic love: love of yourself. If a person doesn’t love themself it can make it darn difficult for anyone else to love them. How can a person find another worthy of their affections when that warmth doesn’t extend as far as to themself? Lack of self-love can lead to a very unhappy existence. Considering how short our time is in this world it just isn’t a question to me. I love myself. Who wouldn’t? I’m totally fantastic. So are you.

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