Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Parties at The Piazza

Umberto entertains at Festa dell’Uva on September 29th. Paula E. Kirman

The Piazza, located at 95th Street and 108th Avenue, is gaining a city-wide reputation for new and unique shops like Paper Birch Books and the Maker's Hive. The patio area is becomg a place of community activation, thanks to the efforts of the local retailers as well as Viva Italia District Association (VIDA). On Saturday, September 29th, Festa dell'Uva (Harvest Grap Festival) featured entertainment, crafts, games, and a grap stomping contest. November had two Festa Nella Piazza Saturdays on November 9th and 30th with food, musical entertainment, fire pits, and more. 

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