Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Power to the People

I am sitting down to write these words a few days after participating in Edmonton’s first May Day march since 2019. International Workers’ Day (as it is also called) on May 1st celebrates workers and the labour movement, while also advocating for the rights of the working class. One of my favourite chants is, “The people united will never be defeated.”

When people of like mind work together for a common struggle, there is no telling what can be accomplished. I see it here in Boyle Street and McCauley, how neighbours band together to do everything from dealing with social issues to planning exciting events that activate and amplify the area. I expect that it will be an exciting summer in the area. In fact, by the time many of you read this, the Heart of the City Festival will have taken place in Caboto Park for the first time since the 2019 edition.

The fact that so much happens and gets done in the area due to the efforts of volunteers is incredible. Even this newspaper that you are currently reading would not exist without the involvement of volunteers in all stages of its production and distribution.

I am involved in a number of other communities in the city. The level of citizen engagement in Boyle Street and McCauley is among the highest I have witnessed. Other areas should pay attention and take note.

A neighbourhood is defined by its geographic boundaries. A community is defined by the people who live and contribute there. Power to the people who work hard to transform and enhance their communities.

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