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Rave Reviews for New Playground

The Boyle Street Neighbourhood Playspace is a hit!

Sisters Madeleine and Lucy enjoying the new Boyle Street Neighbourhood Playspace at Boyle Street Plaza on July 25th, its opening day. Joelle Reiniger

The new playground in Boyle Street officially opened on July 25th. The Boyle Street Neighbourhood Playspace is located outside Boyle Street Plaza at 9538 103A Avenue. The playgroud is inclusive and features signage depicting the seven sacred Indigenous teachings: love, courage, respect, truth, humility, honesty, and wisdom.

On August 14th, Boyle McCauley News interviewed a few of the people who use the Boyle Street Neighbourhood Playspace. Here’s what they had to say.

Maddie, age eight, was planning to have her birthday party at the playground on August 21st. “There will be 32 people, including siblings and parents. There will definitely be cake, and some other stuff. That’s kind of all I know. It’s an awesome playground – I like spinning and the monkey bars best.”

Trayton, age five, knows the playground well because he is served by the YMCA Shirley Stollery Child Care in Boyle Street Plaza and he lives in the nearby Melcor YMCA Village. Trayton likes monkey bars and the climbing wall.

Trayton’s mom and a friend were watching him from the public art picnic table to the east. They are both enthusiastic about the new facility. The friend said, “It is a huge success. It brings people together in a more community-focused way, as compared to a one-time-only event such as a barbecue. The playground visitors are here with a purpose.”

Trayton’s friend also talked about how difficult it is for Boyle Street to break from its reputation as a less desirable place to live, and how the playground counteracts that impression. Trayton’s mom likes that the space welcomes Indigenous people through its images of the seven sacred teachings.

Adults who are not bringing children to the playground also appreciate it. Jacques and Naomi were exploring the space while out on a walk. “It is not only for kids,” Jacques said. “I like the [rubber pour-in-place] surface, a sort of foam astro-turf, which feels great. You could take your shoes off.”

During the summer, the playground was used by participants in the Green Shack, and it is used all year by the YMCA child care program and Bissell’s Child Care (9331 – 105 Avenue).

Anita Jenkins is a retired writer and editor who lives in Boyle Street.

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