Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Rocking for Inner City Youth

Edmonton Rock Music Festival helps young people at-risk through the power of music.

McCauley resident Shelly Hollingsworth volun- teers at the Edmonton Rock Festival every year. About 300 volunteers help put on the festival. Paula E. Kirman

The sixth annual Edmonton Rock Music Festival took place on August 12 and 13 at the Hawrelak Park Amphitheatre. It featured a number of well-known names in rock and roll, like blues guitar slinger David Wilcox; Randy Bachman of Guess Who and Bachman-Turner Overdrive fame; legendary alternative band 54-40; Lou Gramm, former lead singer of the band Foreigner; and, the wild party himself, Kim Mitchell.

However, the festival is not just a great time with great music. It helps raise funds for an after school band camp for at-risk, inner city youth.

The Rock and Roll Society of Edmonton, which organizes the Rock Music Festival, is the charitable organization that operates The Centre for Arts and Music (CAM). At CAM, children learn how to play instruments like guitar, drums and piano, as well as write songs and perform on stage together.

CAM originally began in McCauley, then moved on to several schools and agencies in northeast Edmonton. More information about CAM, the Edmonton Rock Music Festival, and the Rock and Roll Society of Edmonton can be found at

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