Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Seniors Are Our History

The Boyle Street and McCauley area has a large number of older people. Many of them are long-time residents who raised families here. Others moved here later in life because of its affordability.

When I was recently working on the historical book project about McCauley, I was amazed at the stories these seniors had to tell about their lives and how the area has changed over the years.

Knowing the history of the area really helps in gaining an understanding of the community: its diversity, challenges, and issues. We can’t live in the past, but we also need to learn about and respect our roots.

When I consider making some decisions or changes in my life, often I will consult with someone who has been there and done that. I really appreciate having a circle of older friends who offer advice and guidance (whether or not I actually listen to them is another story).

It saddens me that many seniors go ignored and abandoned. We have much to learn from their lives and stories.

I really encourage the seniors in our area who have the time and desire to get involved in the community. We need to hear your perspective and stories. Don’t let your perspective get lost in the push towards the future.p

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