Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


September Summary

Welcome to September fellow McCauley-ites. Our ever growing soccer program was, once again, a grand success. Thanks to Grace and everyone who was involved in coaching, driving, and every aspect. The green shack program was at the park bringing fun and frolic. Our rink received some rehab and was active through the summer with ball hockey and basketball. Thanks to Dan, Fr. Jim, and a host of sponsors for this exciting work. Block to Block held a few events and continued its organization and outreach with Meredith taking on the brunt of that challenge.

As always, there were many things we touched but didn’t have the time and manpower to turn into reality this year. Among the most exciting, of these are the Guerilla Gardening and Bad (with separate Good) Neighbour Awards – if you are interested in participating please let us know.

Block to Block continued to grow throughout the summer. More Blocks were knocked and we met many great residents. We’ve found several Block Captains and a small handful of people interested in organizing Block Events. As always, if we haven’t knocked your block yet or if we missed you and you want to know more or get involved just email, Facebook, or phone.

You may have noticed fewer large events in Caboto Park over the summer. In previous years we received many complaints due to the noise, garbage, and general impact of the number and extent of events being held at the park. It reached the point that local residents were feeling chased out of their neighbourhood park and playground. This is an unusual situation for what is considered a “Neighbourhood” park since these typically host small and resident events. Larger events or those organized by non-resident groups are typically located at “District” parks such as Borden (or event areas like Churchill Square or Louise McKinney Park). We’ve been working with the City to get some of these larger events more appropriately located and most of the feedback we’ve received has been positive. Along those lines if events are impacting you, or if you miss one that was usually in the park, let us know. If you don’t tell us we don’t know and can’t help.

As always, there were many things we touched but didn’t have the time and manpower to turn into reality this year. Among the most exciting, of these are the Guerilla Gardening and Bad (with separate Good) Neighbour Awards – if you are interested in participating please let us know.

On a less positive front we lost our appeal at the Provincial Court on the Excel Grand Manor project. You can find out more information by reading the documents attached to our Facebook site or webpage. The Court decided that the City did not contravene the Zoning Bylaw when it labeled this project an “Apartment Hotel.” This is not because this project fits the definition of an Apartment Hotel but because it also doesn’t fit the definition of anything else (such as Extended Medical Treatment as we suggested) so the Development Officer is not essentially breaking the law by using discretionary power to apply this label. This is unfortunate and a disappointment on many levels but several positive things have come out of this including, but not limited to, a much more serious consideration of non-market housing concentration and zoning interpretation locally as well as the ongoing creation of new “Congregate Living” zoning regulations that will eventually describe projects such as this. We are still discussing how this will impact our Provincial level appeal of the Ambrose Place project. The information we have and the ongoing discussion are indicating that it is still in our best interests to pursue this related but distinct issue to the Court of Queen’s Bench. We have been involved in consultations on the new zonings concerning this and other new categories and have been disappointed in the lack of definition, clarity, and the lack of acknowledgement of the potential impacts that can result.

Help your neighbours make your neighbourhood a greater place to live, work, and play.  Join the League and volunteer. Visit us at or on Facebook at McCauley Community League. Contact us at, or 780) (428-5332. We would love to meet you!

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