Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Setting Goals Through Depression

The days of autumn have arisen from the depths of sleep and have come upon us to awaken a chill of icy cold weather. Now is the time to take out the warm weather clothing that has been stored away for a season. However, this colder weather has not dampened my desire to go out and experience those days of nicer weather that are such a gift at this time of year.

Recently, I have been put through some trials in my life that have been so heart wrenching and painful that I had a hard time to even functioning at all. Sometimes these difficulties can just envelop a person and consume their very being, swallowing them up into the oblivion of depression. Fortunately, I have a good circle of family and friends that I can rely on for support and encouragement.

Depression is very real and can be like a steam engine going out of control down a mountainous train track, bound for derailment. But through my trials and loss, I have regained enough strength to recover and reevaluate my circumstances to set new goals. Goal setting puts things in motion so I can develop a new plan and way of thinking in order to rebuild my life.

Depression is very real and can be like a steam engine going out of control down a mountainous train track, bound for derailment.

I prayed to be sent someone to help me in my time of grief, to be a support. My prayer was answered quite quickly with my new friend Duane. He has some goals he has shared with me and he himself has been put through a lot of circumstances that have burdened him but also made him to be who he is today. For example, he would like to work with youth one day and fulfill his dream of helping others with their healing journeys.

I also connected with the Boyle Street Community League in order to establish an idea I have been thinking about. Also, I have joined a great women’s group that is doing a workshop on boundaries which I am finding very beneficial.

If you work to set goals it gives the hope that things will get better.

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