Sharing the Love - and Hair
Hair “Massacure” helps children with cancer
“All you need is Love!”-John Lennon and Paul McCartney
As we think of St. Valentines Day on February 14, visions of cherubs, hearts, and flowers come to mind.
Ideally, we should maintain these feelings year round. After all, love is one of the most used words in the English language. You can love a song, love a certain food, love your parents, love your siblings, love a movie, love a pet. So many interpretations abound but the feeling in all is similar: a gratifying feeling of warmth and compassion.
February can be a bitterly cold month, but it can also be a time to share that feeling of warmth. I experienced this one year by taking part in the St. Valentine’s Hair “Massacure,” shaving my precious locks and raising funds for cancer research for children living with the effects of the dreaded disease.
As explained on the Massacure’s website, “A headshave allows us to understand one small component of cancer – hair loss. Children’s hair loss often results in weakened self esteem. Our aim is to inspire every man, woman, and child to recognize the urgency of the decline in health in our youth and make necessary steps in making a difference.”
Everyone is urged to get involved, several school groups form teams of support and fund raising to show “the love.” Every year the funds raised increases. Giving of your time and support (and hair!) is truly a definition of love for me!
To get involved and organize a team, contact the Hair Massacure at 780-444-9467, or visit the website to see how you can share the love!