Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Slogan Contest Finalists

A BIG thank you to everyone who sent in your ideas. We had 45 entries in the slogan contest, and 8 entries in the image part of the contest. There were lots of good ideas, and it was really hard to choose finalists. We felt it was wonderful to see such positive comments about our neighbourhood. So you all are to be congratulated – your contributions helped us think about how we should describe ourselves to the world. So, thank you again.

The purpose of this contest was to come up with a community driven slogan that would represent all sectors of our neighbourhood – all ages, races, businesses, long-time residents, and newcomers. It had to be easy to read and understand, and quite short. We reviewed all the slogans submitted, without knowing who created them, and we carefully considered each slogan on the list. In the end we felt that we had to choose three main headings, and three secondary short statements that best describe our neighbourhood. The image will be designed after the slogan is chosen. So now it’s up to you, the McCauley residents.

VOTING: McCauley community members now have a chance to help put slogan parts together. Think about how the two sets of words you choose go together. Think of what slogan will be a great theme for McCauley now and into the future. There are three slogans to choose from and then a sub theme so you get to VOTE TWICEONCE IN EACH AREA:

Big (main) headings

Secondary (smaller) statements
A. The Place to Be
B. The Urban Village
C. Heart & Soul in the City

Depending on which slogan gets the most votes, we will figure out a fair way to award the prizes. You can submit your votes either via email to; by mail to Boyle McCauley News (10826 – 95 Street, Edmonton, AB T5H 2E3 or drop it off in the mailbox inside the green gate); or, in person at our table at either the Primavera event on Sunday, May 26 or at the Heart of the City Festival on June 1 and 2. If you have any comments about this contest or the voting, please contact Joanne McNeal c/o BMC News.

Thanks again for all your positive, good thoughts. Be sure to vote for your favourites! The deadline to vote is June 15.

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