Boyle McCauley News

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Spirit of McCauley Awards Dinner

From left: Anne Fitz- patrick, Rich Gossen, Johanna Andreoff, Larry Andreoff, Miranda Ringma, Ken Bregenser, and Rachael Putt (assistant to Councillor Scott McKeen, who was not able to attend). Paula E. Kirman

The Spirit of McCauley Awards Dinner took place on October 15 at the Ital-Canadian Seniors Association, where a number of people were honoured for their contributions to the neighbourhood by McCauley Revitalization.

Revitalization Steering Committee Chair Todd Janes co-hosted the event with Jane Molstad (McCauley Revitalization Coordinator), handing out awards to residents, gardeners, people involved with the arts, business owners, couples, and agency representatives.

Karen Kennedy, the Community Recreation Coordinator, received a special presentation for her years of service to the area. Kennedy is retiring from the City in 2017.

In what was probably the most emotionally moving moment of the evening, Mary Gallivan spoke about her daughter Joanna Gallivan-Smith, who died in June of this year from cancer. Jane Molstad made a contribution to the Joanna Gallivan-Smith Celebrating Home Fund, on behalf of Revitalization.

Karen Kennedy, the Community Recreation Coordinator, received a special presentation for her years of service to the area. Kennedy is retiring from the City in 2017.

In what was probably the most emotionally moving moment of the evening, Mary Gallivan spoke about her daughter Joanna Gallivan-Smith, who died in June of this year from cancer. Jane Molstad, McCauley Revitalization Coordinator, made a contribution to the Joanna Gallivan-Smith Celebrating Home Fund, on behalf of Revitalization.

An excellent buffet dinner was provided for the invited guests. After the meal was over and the awards handed out, musician Josh Williams provided entertainment while people mingled.

Here is a full list of those honoured.

*Eliza Zenari
*Leif Gregersen
*The McCauley Safety Council: Stephanie Laskoski, Sian Williams, Dan Glugosh, Elizabeth McEwan, Joe Linzen, Bola Fadeyi, Kim Lerbekmo, and Sarah Dreger.

Business Owners
*Svetlana Radmanovic (Kafana)
*Stan Mah (BMA Building)

Agencies and Not-For -Profits
*Jeremiah Basuric (The Mustard Seed)
*Lan Chan Marples (Chinese Benevolent Society)

The Arts
*Gerry Morita (Mile Zero Dance)
*Mike Siek (Heart of the City)

Dustin Bajer (Local permaculturist and bee keeper)
Debbie Reid (Little Italy Community Garden)

*Miranda Ringma and Ken Bregenser
*Anne Fitzpatrick and Rich Gossen
*Johanna and Larry Andreoff

Honouring a Special Person
*Karen Kennedy, McCauley CRC

Special Presentation
*Joanna Gallivan-Smith (accepted by Mary Gallivan)

People Who Contribute to McCauley
*Gary Garrison and Sarah Coumantarakis (Writers)
*Bob McKeon (Founding member, Inn Roads Housing Cooperative)
*Freya Fu (Coordinator of Food Crawls in McCauley)
*Paula Kirman (Boyle McCauley News; major contributions to the arts/videos)
*Adriana (Adi) Cruces (Designer of postcards and posters)
*Ron Varga (Coordinator of the weekly pick-it-up project)

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