Spring At Last

Well, it looks like the worst of the cold has come to pass and spring is here at last. Doesn’t that sound poetic? Your Community League kicked it off in style on March 23 with the second annual Spring Fiesta at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre. Food, performances, and fun for everyone was on the slate for the day. The event has become an annual one, and like last year featured a variety of performers including First Nations Dancers, Métis Jigging, Ogaden Somali Dhaanto, and a performance by young Dante Fecteau. Our elder in residence, Lloyd Cardinal, welcomed all with an introduction to the beauty of the Medicine Wheel and its relationship to the changing seasons, a short prayer, and Honour Song. There were plenty of door prizes and some artwork and crafts by residents Stephanie Lane and Grace Kuipers. Lots of fun for everyone and we always look forward to seeing you out.
The League has noticed a lot more zoning applications and this may be be the start of things to come as the city continues to grow. Among them was a study of parking requirements and the applicable bylaws surrounding it. There is more information available on the League website (www.mccauleycl.com) including a copy of the letter, the final report from the City, as well as the option to request to speak at the committee on May 2. If you have opinions you want the City to hear, please review that information and then let us know if you want us to speak on your behalf. While we can’t attend every committee or council meeting, we can endeavour to attend those you feel address issues important to you and the larger McCauley Community. Just reach out.
_Greg can be reached at mccauleycommunityleague2014@gmail.com