Spring Fiesta Highlights Cultures of the Community

On Saturday March 24, McCauley Community League, in partnership with McCauley Revitalization, held its first Annual Spring Fiesta at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre located at 9538 107 Avenue in the old McCauley School. The event was open to all community members as well as those who work and play in our amazing neighbourhood.
And did they come. Around 200 people, young and young at heart, came out for the afternoon and shook off that winter dust with their neighbours. The underlying theme was to celebrate the spring equinox as it relates to the First Nations Medicine Wheel and welcome all the people of the community, to share food and some laughs, watch some amazing performances, and get to know each other in a fun and safe social environment.
March 21 was the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racism and we wanted to show support in way that celebrated McCauley’s diversity. There was food galore. People enjoyed Indian tacos and bannock from Tee Pee Treats, panini and antipasti from the Italian Centre Shop, delicious hand-rolled sambusas from Aroma Cup Café, and tasty fried bonce and real ginger beer from Bola at Best of Africa. Our Master of Ceremonies, Nigel Robinson welcomed performances from a variety of artists throughout the day including Jordan Lane and Alex Armstrong from YEG Music’s November Band of the Month Feral Fires, Hoop Dancer Lakota Tootoosis, Fancy Dancers Dustin Stamp and Sarah Paquette, and Métis jigger Hugo Martel and his group.
In addition, the McNally Chinese Culture Club performed a Dragon Dance, Edmonton’s Poet Laureate Ahmed Knowmadic performed spoken word poetry, and McCauley tenor Boris Derow from Mercury Opera closed off the event with a little opera. Councillor Scott McKeen made an appearance to support the event and was seen having a couple of laughs and dancing with the groups. The Edmonton Public Library generously brought their green screen and button maker as well as a projector for a FIFA Soccer Tournament for the kids, and the Canadian Native Friendship Centre had a table to make friendship bracelets.
A few local artists and crafters came to showcase and sell their creations and door prizes were plentiful and generous with goodies from the City of Edmonton, Mile Zero Dance Company, Lindt Canada, the Italian Centre Shop, Zocalo, and VIVA Italia to name a few. The Community League would like to thank all those who played a part in making this event a success, from League and community members to our partners in McCauley and our friends at the City who always show their support in improving the quality of life for everyone in McCauley.
Greg is a McCauley resident who is part of the Community League.