Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Summer Business

We’d like to welcome our newest volunteer Meredith to the League and Community. The following is a little introduction and an exciting family event that she is super keen on creating.

“My name is Meredith and my family and I have recently relocated to the McCauley neighbourhood after living in Oliver and Westmount for the last seven years. We moved into the neighbourhood looking for an urban, central environment where we will be surrounded by other young families, as well as ethnic and social diversity. Our daughter is 18 months old, and she loves playing in the park, having hot chocolate at Spinelli’s, walking to Lucky 97 and Chinatown, and visiting Sprucewood Library. As a family we are looking to connect with other young people, families and long-time community residents—we believe it takes a village to raise a child, and would prefer to know as many villagers as possible!

“As such, we would like to volunteer with the McCauley Community League to host a community and family picnic in Giovanni Caboto Park on Saturday July 9 from 4-7 p.m. and Sunday August 14 from 2-5 p.m. Bring your family, chairs or a blanket, and some food to share. We are going to try to organize some kid and family entertainment for the dates. We are very much looking forward to meeting our neighbours and fellow community residents, and look forward to many similar opportunities in the future. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at:

After networking with other Leagues and discussing it we have decided to move our AGM to the fall (likely end of September but date has not been set yet). One of the reasons for this change is that the summer is often a bit of a break from ongoing League executive responsibilities and it is the experience of many Leagues that AGMs following this break are more successful.

Those of you who are keen League watchers may have noticed that we did not hold our AGM in the late spring as has been the norm for that last several years. After networking with other Leagues and discussing it we have decided to move our AGM to the fall (likely end of September but date has not been set yet). One of the reasons for this change is that the summer is often a bit of a break from ongoing League executive responsibilities and it is the experience of many Leagues that AGMs following this break are more successful.

Additionally, a common experience is that many people have significant changes in their lives during the summer months that can result in changes in their ability to commit to board involvement. The greater stability that seems to reappear come fall also seems to create more stable and energized league boards. Or so the collective wisdom suggests.

In the meantime, the current League board will be implementing new communication strategies; working hard to build membership and involvement; continuing the networking and alliance building with our neighbouring communities; pushing for great design and ongoing involvement on the downtown arena; working towards a redesigned 97 street entry to the community from downtown to leverage the Royal Alberta Museum, Station Lands, and Pacific Rim Mall investments as well as the existing LRT shell in the Remand Centre; working with the City towards progressive housing policy; soccer; holding our casino; guitar lessons; working towards new events; and more.

I thought I mentioned something about a summer break? Happy summer everyone!

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