Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Summer Updates and Connections

I can’t believe we are more than halfway through 2024! I hope you’re all enjoying summer in our city. There is so much to do and so many places to enjoy. As you make your way through Edmonton during this hot weather, don’t forget that there are 27 water bottle filling stations throughout the city, with several in your area. Please make use of them when out and about to stay cool. Locate them here.

Residential Parking Programs
Earlier this year, the Urban Planning Committee supported changes to the Residential Parking Permit program. As this started to roll out, my office heard from many of you with concerns about the changes. I learned a lot about the nuances in each community when it comes to parking and that the current proposals weren’t doing enough to match them. As a result, I made a motion to put a pause on this work and asked staff to come back with suggested amendments to the program to better meet local needs. 

I’m sorry for the stress the initial announcement caused and I’m grateful to everyone who took the time to write in with their thoughts. For now, the current parking program will stay as is. I’m confident that the refined program will be much better, thanks to your input!

Good News on Transit
Transit safety has been top of mind for many over the past few years. I’ve been seeing improvements lately and the numbers we saw at a recent Council meeting confirmed we’re headed in the right direction. There’s been an 18% drop in crime severity on transit and perception of safety is up from 58% to 64%. There is much more work to do but I’m glad that our collective efforts are having a positive impact. If you see ways to improve transit further or concerns you want to share, please don’t hesitate to let me know. 

Connecting With Neighbours
I’m always excited to come out and meet residents in O-day’min. If you have a group of neighbours, or a condo board or residents’ association, and would like to meet, please let me know! I would love to come out and meet you. Reach out to my contact below and we can find a time to connect.

Thank You
Thank you for reading and being an engaged member of these communities. Please continue to reach out to my office anytime. As well, whether by phone or online, 311 is also available to assist.

Phone: 780-496-8333

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