Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Talking About Housing and Zoning

Hello readers! I’m so happy to connect with you again. I hope you’ve all had time to enjoy summer in the city and all the great events our community has to offer.

The first phase of Neighbourhood Renewal has begun in Boyle Street and McCauley! As exciting as this new infrastructure is, I know that the construction phase can come with its disruptions and frustrations. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the project manager, Felix Lam, at 780-944-7695. You can also sign up for project email notices at

In October at City Hall, we’ll be talking about our corporate and city-wide housing strategy. I know how big of an impact homelessness is having in our community – not only for those experiencing homelessness but for all residents and businesses in the area. I’ll be advocating for strategic approaches that make the most out of the City’s resources and ensure that we continue to advocate for other orders of government to do their part, too. There’s been some encouraging news recently on that front: the Province announced 300 new shelter beds for Edmonton this winter, which will all be located in areas outside of the city centre. I think this is a good first step in relieving the pressures being felt across McCauley and Boyle Street.

Another big item at City Council will be the proposed new Zoning Bylaw. Our city looks a lot different than it did in the 1970s. The population has more than doubled, we have almost 25 km of LRT track, and far fewer bell bottoms (though moustaches seem to be making a comeback!). Despite all of these changes, the growth of our city is still dictated by many zoning rules that were set down in the 1970s, and even earlier! The Zoning Bylaw Renewal project has been looking at bringing our land use regulations into the 21st century and is an exciting opportunity to set Edmonton up for success in the years to come. For those who haven’t been involved already, I encourage you to get more information at and share your thoughts with City Council at the Public Hearing on October 16.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reach out or say hello in recent months. Please never hesitate to call 311 or connect with my office at or 780-496-8333 for information or assistance with City programs and services. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the changing seasons.

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