Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Tax Time

“You don’t make it anywhere without someone helping you out.” Ramon Rodriguez (Puerto Rican/American Actor)

The above quote rings true with me, especially at this time of year. Yes, it is federal tax time! I get very intimidated by the process and I do not have the financial state to hire or pay someone to prepare my taxes.

That is where the helping hand comes in. Even if you do not draw an income, but receive provincial or federal support, filing taxes is important: filing taxes makes you eligible for the Goods and Services (GST) refund, as well as the Carbon Tax refund.

Taxable income includes employment income, rental income, and money you receive through some government programs. Tax credits and deductions reduce the amount of tax you must pay.

Fortunately, in our city and in the community we have organizations that will voluntary prepare and file your return for you! In this area we have:

  • E4C (9321 Jasper Avenue – Phone: 780-425-5911)
  • Sage Seniors Association (15 Sir Winston Churchill Square – Phone: 780-423-5510)
  • Bissell Centre (10527 – 96 Street – Phone: 780-423-2285 ext. 111)
  • The Salvation Army (9618 101A Ave. – Phone: 780-423-2111)

You can also Google “volunteer tax services Edmonton.”

Income taxes serve an important social and economic purpose. However, you want to make sure you’re only paying the portion you truly owe, and to receive the returns and credits for which you are eligible.

You can call the services listed to check dates and hours of operation. It is usually a first come, first served basis. You will need Government issued I.D. and all your past year’s (2018) T4 slips. It is wonderful that agencies supply these volunteer services!

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