Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Tenth Annual Heart of the City Festival

Mary Rankin brought her hula hoops.

Photos by Edward Allen and Paula E. Kirman

For more photos from Edward Allen, visit his folder at Dropbox. For more photos from Paula, visit her photo set at Flickr.

Listen to the Beating Strong CD on Soundcloud.

Thanks again to our wonderful sponsors!

Action for Healthy Communities       

Alberta Avenue Business Association      

Bissell Centre            

Boyle McCauley News        

Boyle McCauley Pharmacy

Boys & Girls Club       


City of Edmonton        



Edmonton Arts Council       

Edmonton Folk Music Festival   

Fat Franks    

Foster Park Baskett Insurance     

Gateway Screen & Press    


Inn Roads Housing Cooperative

Launch It Rocker      

Listen Louder         

Long & McQuade         

McCauley Community League         

McCauley Revitalization   
Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts


Popular Bakery         

Sun & Moon Visionaries        

The Works International Visual Arts Society         

Yellowhead Brewery         


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