Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Thanks to Our Casino Volunteers!

Throughout the years our community newspaper has been supported by a multitude of volunteers, including: board members, writers, photographers, block carriers, and casino volunteers! This July we had our casino, and we need to thank everyone who gave us their time to ensure our organization was able to fulfill our responsibility.

Thanks to: Shauna Forsyth, Susanne Greenhowe, Kim Pizzey, Fr. Jim Holland, Craig Stansfield Pilot, Paula Kirman, Richard Andrew Kennedy, Rose Seerey, Vicky Beauchamp, Doris Astill, Jim Gurnett, Ron Pierce, Anne Fitzpatrick, Rich Goosens, Dale Fetterly, Elmer and Phyllis Fasek, Manon Aubrey, Jamie Sarich, and Darren Pielak – thank you all so much!

Each shift is worth about $2000, per volunteer (so, someone working two shifts brings in about $4000). You all did such good work!

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