Boyle McCauley News

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The Fun of Halloween

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” – Albert Camus (Nov. 7 1913 – Jan. 4 1960), French philosopher, author, dramatist, and journalist.

The joys of autumn include cooler temperatures, nature’s palette showing its plethora of beautiful colours in the trees, and October ending with Halloween.

So, let’s talk about the fun of Halloween. Those who celebrate Halloween get to be someone else for a day. Some people make a tradition a choice like dressing up as something scary like a ghost. Others may dress up like a member of their favourite band or sports team, while others come up with something totally original.

Personally, I like to see what people come up with. Costumes can be simple and inexpensive. Thrift stores get busy during Halloween season. You never know what you might be able to pick up for a bargain.

If you are not into dressing in costume or recognizing Halloween, that is also fine. Just remember that November 1st is a significant day. That’s when the stores lower the prices on candy!

Have a safe, pleasant autumn!

Ian is a columnist with the paper. He lives in the area.

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