Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


The Great Outdoors

The great outdoors makes me think of things like camping in the rough, hiking through the woods, fishing, and adventuring among forests, hills, and valleys. In other words, things that I pretty much don’t do.

My general rule of thumb has been that if a destination doesn’t have indoor plumbing, I generally won’t go. In fact, the “outdoors” for me usually involves sitting on a patio at a café.

However, this attitude of mine has changed a little bit over the years. While I am still not into camping and related activities, I do have my own ways of communing with nature.

I used to avoid the Folk Festival because four days of using porta-potties didn’t really appeal to me, until one year an artist I really liked was on the bill. So, I talked myself in to it while packing a lot of hand sanitizer in my backpack – and you know what? I actually had an incredible time. The Folk Fest and other outdoor music festivals have become an integral part of my summer.

I walk a lot in all seasons. Spending time walking outside in the winter makes me appreciate the warmer months even more. Lately, I stop more often to notice the birds and flowers that surround me. Nature exists even in the city.

Finally, while I don’t usually hit many trails, cycling is a major outdoor activity for me, for reasons of both practicality and exercise. Cycling makes getting to my meeting or errand half the fun. Especially if that meeting is at a cafe with an outdoor patio.

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