Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


The Last Month of the Season

Albert Pagnotta. Supplied

We are getting close to wrapping up another skating season. March is the last month for 2017/18. The attendance has been great and we will beat last year’s attendance by a landslide. I will have a full update with all the numbers in April’s edition of the paper.

I want to talk about the impact that the rink has on the many kids and families that use it. Along with the McCauley Cup, Family Day, special dinners, and the learn to skate program, there are the everyday skating programs. The two daily programs are the family and public skate, and the shinny hockey. Both run seven days a week. For some people, the rink and programs may beg the question of why the McCauley Community League spends so much money on the rink year after year instead of other programs. If you have never had the time to come by the rink for a skate and to see firsthand how it is impacting kids’ lives, then I urge you to do so and see for yourself how it is making a difference. Being able to skate, play hockey, or just have a safe place to come makes a huge difference in a child’s life. This happens every winter right here in McCauley. One of the staff at the rink was sent a message from one of the mothers who’s child uses the rink, and I want to share it with all of you to put in perspective what the rink means to some:

“Thanks for everything you’ve done for Jamie [not his real name]. He talks highly of you and the other gentleman. It’s nice to know he has you guys because it’s just him and me.”

There was more to the message, but I think it shows the impact not only on these two but for many kids who use the rink. Thank you to Sparky and all the staff at the rink who do so much for so many.

On January 17, kids and adults were treated to Italian sausages in homemade tomato sauce (supplied and made by Little Italy Foods) served on a bun, homemade pasta salad, juice, and, for dessert, 150 chocolate doughnuts. This special event was held in honor for Albert Pagnotta. He lived his entire life in McCauley and loved the neighbourhood. He had a gregarious and generous personality, and loved cooking and sharing his food. On January 17, it was the sixth anniversary of his passing (at age 47). Albert’s cousins Dino, Marco, Stefania, Frank, and Viviana were happy to prepare and host in his memory. Albert’s brother Tony said, “This is the type of event that Albert would have loved to be part of.” The community of McCauley would like to thank Albert’s family for hosting this special event at the rink for all the kids and families. You all put a lot of smiles on many faces.

The 12th Annual Family day skating party was held on February 19, past the deadline for this issue of Boyle McCauley News, so we will have full coverage in April’s edition.

Skates and helmets are always available to use for free thanks to Sports Central. The rink is open seven days a week. If the temperature gets to -25 (this includes a wind chill) we will not open. Please follow the McCauley Community League’s Facebook page or the website for updates for the rink and other stories regarding our community.

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