Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


The MCL Partners Once Again with KIDS

I am excited to be back writing for Boyle McCauley News once again keeping all of you up to date on what is happening at the McCauley community rink.

The most recent and exciting news is that the McCauley Community League and the KIDS organization sat down and developed a proposal that have the two groups working together this winter. Here is a brief outline of the agreement.

KIDS will hire a rink manager, who is responsible for training and supervising of staff. All staff will supply KIDS with appropriate security checks. KIDS will look after all ice maintenance and snow removal. KIDS and the MCL will work together with other community partners to develop programming and special events. The MCL will be responsible for communicating all schedules, programs, events, and closures to the MCL communications committee. Both groups have agreed that they will collaborate on improvements to the proposal as things come up.

Thanks to everyone who was involved with working so hard together on getting this partnership in place for the 2014/15 skating season and we look forward to a very successful season.

The work doesn’t stop there. KIDS and the MCL rink committee will be meeting to plan out our winter skating programs. Please stay tuned to Boyle McCauley News or check out If you have any ideas for winter skating programs please feel free to contact the McCauley rink committee at:

There are some other projects and partnerships that will be hopefully taking place soon. Stay tuned and see you at the rink!

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