Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


Todd Janes: Hope and Happiness

Todd Janes. Robyn O’Brien

Todd Janes works at Latitude 53 which is Alberta’s oldest and largest artist-run centre. He is Chair of the McCauley Revitalization committee and supports many organizations throughout our neighbourhood. He can be found at most special events and has a very positive attitude about our city, our community, and his role.

Todd moved to McCauley in 2008 from Oliver, buying a home on Church Street. “I wanted something close to downtown that was walkable and transit friendly.” The grocery stores, the bustling commerce of Chinatown and Little Italy, and the feeling of “being transported” to a larger metropolitan centre appealed to him.

He has been a volunteer since grade four, gaining more from it than he is giving. “The amazing people I have met and the experiences I have had have been life affirming.” He measures success by three things: “Did I learn something new; did I help to improve things or make a positive difference; and, did I have fun?” Happiness is a strong indicator of success in his life and he feels that its importance cannot be overlooked. Todd is also a ”very hopeful person, and I do not know when this happened but hope gets me out of bed in the morning and hope for something better keeps me going when things do not always seem so wonderful.”

When Todd got involved in our community he found a lot of negativity permeating the dialogue. He hopes that by becoming involved he has “overtly countered that negativity with a positive and realistic approach.” He believes that hope conquers fear, and thinks that being positive unites people. This writer believes that McCauley is benefiting from this in many ways.

He has been involved with McCauley Revitalization for about three years, serving two years as Chair of the Steering Committee. He says that this group of people is “really amazing and wonderful – we have fun and we get things done.” They have over 15 people – residents, business owners, and people who work here, a solid mixture of what is happening here. Todd appreciates working with Jane Molstad. “She inspires me with her tenacity and drive.”

McCauley Revitalization has about 25 projects that are currently happening in our community.” Trees Please, which is based upon a project started in New York to replace lost old growth trees, is just one example. If you are interested in volunteering or you have an idea for Revitalization to support, contact Todd at

The communities of Boyle Street and McCauley have so many wonderful volunteers. Please contact Boyle McCauley News if you have someone you would like to see featured as a Volunteer of the Month.

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