Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Top 40 Under 40 Recipients Have Boyle Street and McCauley Connections

Lynsae Moon with her partner at the awards ceremony on November 8th. Supplied

Congratulations to Lynsae Moon, owner of The Nook Cafe, and Vikki Wiercinski, Boyle McCauley News’ Designer and Advertising Coordinator, who were named to 2021’s Top 40 Under 40 list by Edify Edmonton magazine in November. The prestigious annual awards are given to individuals making Edmonton a better place to live.

Moon has a deep commitment to social justice. She started Alberta’s first registered Suspended Coffee program, where customers can purchase buttons kept in a jar. Anyone can redeem a button for food and drinks at no cost. Despite The Nook Cafe’s location in Boyle Street being closed at the moment, she continues to care for her customers and community. The Nook currently has a booth at the Downtown Farmers Market on weekends until Christmas.

Wiercinski received the award for her work supporting local artists and other creatives by organizing the Royal Bison Art & Craft Fair. The event pivoted to an online fair due to COVID, and has continued to be hugely successful. She is also known for her textile and her stationary design work sold through her own business, Mezzaluna Studio.

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