Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Transformation Under Way

It’s official – our new home in the Boyle Street Community Centre welcomes our neighbours on August 1, 2012!

It seems unreal in a sense – we’ve lived with the sound of construction; the mud and the trailers for over a year now. As with any dream or project, there have been times where we’ve wondered if a successful outcome is assured, but now the long hours of meeting and planning; the discussions with our partners the City of Edmonton and YMCA; the dreaming and fretting are paying off! With an assured opening date we can kick into high gear with our plans for programming, book events, and transform our neighbourhood!

That transformation is already well in hand. The Boyle Street Community League’s Annual General Meeting was held on March 27 at Mother Teresa School. The evening was an intimate discussion about the issues affecting the community, and an opportunity for our new neighbours to begin discovering their community. The Board was overwhelmed by the enthusiastic support of these new members – most of whom volunteered to sit on the BSCL Board and effect change for the area. The prospect of a new community hall is enticing, but what it represents is even more powerful. It’s a sign that things are growing and flourishing in Boyle; that our community once again is looking to the future and joining together in renewed solidarity.

This spirit is contagious – I was struck by the verve and enthusiasm of the people who thronged the new Commonwealth Community and Rec Centre on March 30. This open house seemed to be about much more than a free swim – although the league tables were busy with people signing up. Like the impending opening of our new Community Centre, Commonwealth is also symbolic of the many changes we can expect over the coming years. With engagement and development come activism and a better quality of life for all.

Contact us and submit a proposal. We are looking for serious, professional instructors who will complement our facility and roster of events.

Speaking of quality of life – we’re throwing the doors open to you, our supporters, and asking one and all to send us requests for proposals! We know that our community is filled with talent, professionalism, vision, and, above all, expertise. As we work to fill up our programming slate, we’d like to hear from you. Do you teach martial arts? Are you a qualified Yoga or Zumba instructor? Can you lead Tai Chi? Do you have deep knowledge of the community and want to initiate historical walking tours? Does your sports league need a home? Are you a dance/art/music instructor without a studio in which to teach?

Contact us and submit a proposal. We are looking for serious, professional instructors who will complement our facility and roster of events. We are, as mentioned in the previous issues of Boyle McCauley News, ready to receive rentals!

Contact me directly at or call the League Line: (780) 422-5857.

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