Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


We Are Our Volunteers

When Colleen and I were trying to come up with a specific person to write about for this month’s column, we both came to a realization that we have thought of before but perhaps have never adequately expressed.

Our volunteers are our community newspaper. Yes, we have a few paid staff, but without our volunteers the paper would cease to operate. Volunteers write, photograph, proofread, serve on the Editorial Committee, sit on the board, deliver the paper, and help with distribution. Many of our volunteers have more than one role with the paper, or have changed roles over the years.

They also help raise funds to keep the paper going when we have a casino. Speaking of which, our next casino is coming up on December 30 and 31 this year. Get in touch with me or Colleen if you would be interested in working a shift or two.

No matter how many volunteers we have, we are always looking for more. Always feel free to get in touch with us if any aspect of the paper appeals to you. In particular, some more photographers and writers would be great.

So really, we did not want to single anyone out in this issue but wanted to offer a huge word of thanks to everyone who helps make Boyle McCauley News what it is. We honestly could not do it without you.

To get in touch concerning volunteer opportunities, send an email to or give us a call at our office: (780) 425-3475.

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