Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


We’re Moving!

By the time you read this, we will have moved! The McCauley Community League Board of Directors voted at the April Board of Directors meeting to relocate our office to a location in Chinatown. Effective June 3, our offices will be in Unit 304 of the Hull Block.

Representatives from the McCauley Community League attended the SDAB appeal on April 25 to support Alberta Avenue Community League in their opposition to a liquor store being opened across the street from Norwood Square Park. AACL was successful in their appeal, a victory that prevents precedent from being set allowing liquor stores to be placed within 100 meters of schools, parks, and recreation facilities.

We have also been at work opposing the Edmonton and District Labour Council BBQ for the Unemployed event that has previously happened on the Labour Day long weekend. Many residents have approached the League since October 2010 with concerns regarding the large crowds that the event draws. The EDLC estimates they serve 4500+ meals within six hours in Giovanni Caboto Park. Our CRC Coordinator Karen Kennedy has made arrangements for this labour organization to have access to multiple other venues including other parks in proximity as MCL has booked Caboto Park for the first McCauley Family Fair (hopefully of many) scheduled for Sunday, September 1 and Monday, September 2. Funding has been sought and approved for a bouncy castle, art tent, bubble show and petting zoo, guitar jam, dance recital, and many other family-friendly activities. However, the EDLC has decided to go ahead with their event, instead holding it on Saturday August 31 – not on Labour Day. Please see our website for the letter we have sent to EDLC including our reasons for asking for relocation and consider writing Jane Batty and ourselves, the MCL, with your comments and concerns.

Dance returns to the Boys and Girls Club on Saturdays, which started May 25. Check our website and Facebook for more details, or see our classified on page 15 for times and age groupings. Guitar continues with record breaking attendance numbers – 14 participants in one session. We are also in the process of confirming our enrollment in the City of Edmonton Outdoor Pool access program. This will give residents in McCauley access to outdoor swimming facilities city-wide for two hours daily. A program review is also ongoing regarding the McCauley Rink after the consultation meeting in March. Many potential partners are presenting themselves including the Boys and Girls Club as well as Norwood School. Please also keep an eye out for notice of the McCauley Cleanup, a program brought to you in partnership with E4C.

Our address has changed, but our phone number remains the same: you can still call us at (780) 428-5332 or email us at Our website address is

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