Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


What a Party! Family Day in McCauley Draws Hundreds

Children - and adults - lined up to go for a horse-drawn wagon ride.  Paula E. Kirman

On a warm February 20, the community held its annual Family Day skating party. Once again the attendance for this event continues to be excellent, with close to 300 kids and adults coming to the rink throughout the day. There were plenty of hotdogs, hot chocolate, and marshmallows, all thanks to the Host Lions Club and the City of Champions Lions Club. Gifts were given out to all the kids thanks to Sacred Heart Church of The First Peoples. Kids also received hockey toques and hockey scarves all from Game on Sports.

One of the new activities this year was the very popular horse and buggy rides donated by McCauley Revitalization. Special thanks go out to David Prodan from E4C for the music and to his staff for all their hard work during the day and with their help in promoting the event. I can’t forget to thank Sparky and his team for their work throughout the day.

Thank you to everyone who makes this event possible and for all of you who come out to spend the day with our community.

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