Winter Events Past With Spring on the Horizon

With the arrival of April, our minds seem to naturally wander towards the spring and summer, and perhaps overlook some of the fun that has taken place over the past few cooler (but still sunny!) months. Prior to speaking about spring, we’d like to make special mention of a few recent MCL-supported winter happenings:
Winter Events Past
The McCauley Rink season wound down after another active, eventful, and fun-filled year. Special thanks to Dan, Albert, Adam, Kevin, and all others who contributed in so many ways to keep the gate open, the ice smooth, and the music playing! Also special mention to the good people at Baijiu restaurant for supporting us this year with a supply of snacks.
The McCauley Family Day event held at the rink on Sunday, February 19th offered warm drinks and snacks generously donated by the Pagnotta and Mannarino families, some lovely live music from Dana Wylie, horse rides from Longriders, as well as skating and warm fires. Special thanks to all our volunteers; LeaAnn Whiting, Jakki Duttenhoffer, Kenna, Grace Kuipers, Harley Kuipers Glugosh, Ruscita Hygaard, Ruth Sorochan, and Corine Demas.
The McCauley Cup, a fun-centered hockey game between members of the Edmonton Police Service and kids from in and around McCauley, took place at the rink on Saturday, February 25th. It was a warm and sunny day, and good times were shared both on and off the ice. There were too many donors and volunteers to list them all, but a few notables were Arctic Chiller water, United Sport & Cycle, Italian Centre, Sports Central, and community volunteers Grace Kuipers and Joan Kirillo. Special guests included EPS Chief Dale McFee, Mayor Amarjeet Sohi, MLA Janis Irwin, Councillor Anne Stevenson, and MP Blake Desjarlais.
Spring on the Horizon
By the time this article is published, spring will have officially arrived. At MCL this means a shift in focus to outdoor activities and events, and a build-up of excitement for what’s to come. A few things we have on our radar include: a summer kids/youth soccer program at Giovanni Caboto and Norwood Parks, a spring/summer event at the rink, Community League Day in September, and a willingness to consider any other ideas and opportunities that may arise. For up-to-date information, please visit our website, follow us on social media, or sign up for a membership at
Casino and Board Volunteers Needed
We have been approved for an upcoming casino on June 24th and 25th at Grand Villa (next to Rogers Place). The funds received from this casino will be used to fund both our rink operations for 2023/2024, events and programs, and beyond. If you are interested in volunteering please call 780-668-3194 to discuss details with Colleen.
McCauley Community League Board Volunteer Opportunities Abound. Join Us!
Finally, our board is searching for a few more committee members who are passionate about all things McCauley. Our intention is to have friendly and engaging conversations, work towards a few worthwhile goals, and do our best to support community members in good ways. Email us at if you’d like to chat further about your interest in this opportunity.
McCauley Community League