Winter Fun in McCauley

Well, we’re midway through the coldest part of the year (hopefully) and McCauley has shown once again that it’s not afraid of a little snow or cold weather when it comes to getting out for some seasonal fun. Your community league held a couple notable events so far that celebrated the best of the season.
On December 9, in conjunction with Viva Italia’s horse-drawn carriage rides and tours of McCauley, the League occupied Studio 96 for an afternoon of holiday activities for the whole family. Locals and visitors alike were dropped off at the corner of 96 Street and 108 Avenue to take part in holiday crafts like ornament making, hosted by our very industrious Grace Kuipers. Tonia Kasdorf helped kids and grown-ups make custom cards, and new board member Chrissy Dowdell hosted a cookie decorating station. Some tasty treats and refreshments were available, and my wife Stephanie took family photos by a richly decorated tree so guests left with photos to share. Over the course of the four hours, we saw about 150 people come through. Responses were overwhelmingly positive as everyone seemed to enjoy the stop to share some warm indoor time as a family.
On December 28 we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the McCauley Cup at the McCauley Rink. On hand were our new Chief of Police, Dale McFee; Ward 6 Councillor Scott McKeen; Cup founder Sgt. Dave Kabyn; and even a surprise visit by Oilers’ centre Leon Draisaitl. Councillor McKeen Proclaimed December 28, 2019 McCauley Cup Day with a presentation of the proclamation from City Hall. Our very capable Master of Ceremonies and invaluable EPS Constable Andrew Melney presented the League with a framed commemorative McCauley Cup jersey.
For three hours, kids and cops took to the ice in some lighthearted shinny. The local media attended the event and shared the story of what a vibrant, engaged community looks like. More importantly, many neighbours and hockey fans of all ages got a day out to celebrate together what an amazing place McCauley is. The rink is a true success story and one we should all be proud of. Special thanks goes out to the tireless effort of the volunteers and partners that make the rink possible every year. Folks like Oilers alumnus Al Hamilton, Lyle (Sparky) Kulchisky, Dan Glugosh (cake master general), and Albert Kooy to name a few. Among all the hot dogs, Italian sandwiches, cake, hot chocolate, donations from Sport Central, Hot Dog Chefery by the Rotary Club of West Edmonton, and an overwhelming turnout by the EPS staff, it is our kids who benefit the most from having a free activity like skating available. I personally am very proud to be part of something so amazing, even in my minor capacity as League President.