Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Winter is Almost Here

With the leaves long gone and the snow yet to arrive we’re almost in limbo. But fear not – there’s lots to look forward to.

We celebrated Halloween this year with fun for kids and families. Our ever-industrious Lily Mounma and Grace Kuipers put on a great afternoon of crafts and cooking for kids and parents alike on October 28. Kids carved pumpkins and Grace had them make tombstones to decorate the Friendship garden for Halloween night. About 40 kids and parents turned out to lend a hand and the results were amazing. On Halloween night, the Friendship Garden was most spooky and over 100 kids and their parents showed up for a little hot chocolate and a treat from the Great Pumpkin.

The last time I spoke with Dan Glugosh, he was flooding the ice at the rink and by the time this goes to press I’m sure the rink will have been open a few times, weather permitting. Remember to check the League Facebook page for closures, but the rink will be open weekdays from 4:00 p.m. til 8:30 p.m. Weekends see a Family Skate from 2-6 p.m. and Open Ice Shinny from 6-8 p.m. Remember, we have gear for all and it’s a great way to get some exercise and meet your neighbours. This year marks the 10th Anniversary of the McCauley Cup (hockey game with EPS) which is scheduled to be held on December 28 at 1 p.m. Check the League’s Facebook page or the website for details. Suffice it to say, we’ll have something special in store for this year. And, on December 31 from 6 to 10 p.m. will be our third annual MCL New Year’s Eve Family Skating Party, with hot dogs, marshmallows, and hot chocolate.

On December 9th, in conjunction with Viva Italia, we’ll be hosting some activities for everyone, kids and adults alike. Details will be out and about before then, so keep your eyes out for posters and the usual social media sites.

I have to make mention to the amazing folks who make this League and tirelessly give their energies to the community. I was away for most of October and came back to find things like the Halloween events and tobogganing parties planned, and a general sense of enthusiasm for all things we undertake. I am proud to be a part of such an amazing community and feel honoured to be a part of it.

As always, we are looking for ideas for programming and things that concern you. So, reach out and drop us an email. I’m always happy to grab a coffee and chat. We are here for you – our neighbours and friends. And lastly, here’s hoping everyone has a fantastic holiday season. Stay warm, reach out to someone you haven’t seen in a while, stay in touch with friends and neighbours, and enjoy all the season has to offer.

Greg is the President of the McCauley Community League.

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