Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Youth Engagement Session at the Rink

Bicycle repairs were part of the youth engagement session at the McCauley Rink in August. Dan Glugosh

On August 21, the McCauley Community League’s Rink Facility Development Advisory Committee held a youth engagement session at the McCauley Community Rink for youth aged 6-17 years old. There were hot dogs, juice, ice cream, and free bike repairs. There were also prizes for all the youth who attended, thanks to the Mountain Equipment Co-op’s donation.

The purpose of the event was to get feedback from the youth to help plan the future of the McCauley community building. There was a good turnout of about 25 kids who filled out surveys or used their art skills to draw what they envision the building could look like. The kids were excited to be able to give feedback on the future building.

We will be compiling all of the surveys that have been collected at events throughout the summer and will have a report to share with everyone in an upcoming issue of Boyle McCauley News. It will also be posted on the League’s website ( and Facebook page:

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