Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Zocalo Fire Update

Zocalo is rebuilding and renovating its store and greenhouse space following a fire in January.. Paula E. Kirman

Zocalo, the beloved community garden shop and cafe at 10826 95th Street, was severaly damanged in a fire in early January. Here is an update from the business at to how things are progressing. This update was sent directly to Boyle McCauley News, and versions of it have also been posted on Zocalo's social media accounts.

Zocalo continues to rebuild and renovate the store and greenhouse space. We are looking forward to the seeds of new beginnings and fresh starts. 

To our community, we thank you wholeheartedly for your support. Your thoughtful and caring messages cheer us on. We are grateful to every person who has left us warm notes of kindness and hope. Also, a big thanks to those who have purchased gift cards or sent smiles our way.

As we thaw from the winter storms, we look forward to enjoying warm coffee with you in the greenhouse. You are in our minds and hearts, and we look forward to kibitzing with you soon.

We want to assure you that, while it may look like little is happening from the outside, we are here. As the fire caused major damage to the electrical and heating systems, the renewal process will be long. However, we are working hard with project managers, insurance and staff to re-open our doors as soon as we can. 

Stay tuned for warmer, brighter, colourful new things coming your way.  Spring is coming and we hope to bask in its warmth with you soon.

Co-owner Miranda Ringma also adds that neighbouring businesses Venetian Barber Shop, Violets, and Love Object will likely re-open soon following some final details concerning the cleaning of their spaces.

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