Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Love is a Miracle

Does anyone remember the song “Love is a Battlefield” by Pat Benatar? Learning to love one’s self and others can be difficult or smooth, depending on circumstances and various other factors.

Over the years it has taken me a long time to finally feel comfortable to love who I am and to feel good about myself. People often search for “love” in the form of a soul mate or in other things like their pets.

When I was younger, I used to dream of getting married one day, finishing my education, and having children. It hasn’t come to pass in the way I had expected, but I do love and adore my children.

Love also has many definitions. In Greek, two words are translated as love in the New Testament of the Bible. One term is used as a noun and it is called agape. The other term is a verb called phileo.

Agape love is unconditional, like God’s love for us. Phileo love is impulsive and emotional. I’ve had moments where I thought I met someone who I assumed would be a real catch, but life just sometimes gives a person a lesson in patience to just wait on God.

I choose to love everyone, even ones who are unlovable. At times I myself feel unlovable. However, if one decides to change the way they feel, then it makes a big difference in many ways. So now that I learned to be gentle on myself and to love myself, it makes it a lot easier to want to love others.

With February here, some people choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Just look at the array of red and white colours in store windows. Yet you don’t need a holiday to show love to one another. It can be done anytime as long it’s done in agape love.

Remember: people who pray together stay together and I always admire the couples who have longevity in their relationships which are, of course, impacted by love. I’ll pray you all have a wonderful journey in the Boyle Street and McCauley neighbourhoods.

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