Summer Plans
Fresh air and being outside with friends are on the agenda for this summer.
When Food is More Than Fuel
When food is treated as more than just fuel for the body, the result can be extra pounds.
Joys of New Activities
New activities that get us out into the community and our hearts pumping, can bring happiness to our lives.
Being the “Best You”
Being in a relationship is difficult if you yourself are not at your best.
LRT is Not Necessary
The LRT line that will go through 102 Avenue is not really necessary and won’t help Boyle Street very much.
Why We Laugh
What are some of the things that make us laugh, and why?
New Traditions
New holiday traditions can begin in unique or simple ways.
A Winter’s Knight
Getting through the winter requires an attitude adjustment. Having a dog helps.
Reasons for Creativity
Being creative is a necessary part of being human. However, sometimes people are creative for themselves, while some want to bring their work to a wider audience.
Learning to Love and Forgive
Loving others and forgiving them when they hurt us can be difficult, but important.
Celebrating Summer
Summer is a great time to get to know your community better.
Family: Reactions to Actions
Families can be our greatest source of love or our greatest source of pain, depending on the circumstances.
Choose Your Attitude
Attitudes, be them good or bad, can be spread around. Choose your attitude wisely.
Meeting Changes in Our Lives
Change is inevitable, whether we look at it with fear or optimism.
Meet Your Neighbours
We have a lot to gain by getting to know our neighbours – even the ones we think we do not want to know.
Housing and Compassion
The diversity of the area is in part thanks to the housing that is available for different income levels.