Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Catch 66

  • Heading to 100

    Learn about the “Encore” stage of life.

  • On Being 80

    Insights on turning 80 via a family member of Sherry’s who recently reached this milestone.

  • More Reflections on Aging

    More reflections on aging with Sherry’s friend Ken.

  • Seniors’ Pensions a Difficulty

    The government is making it harder and harder for seniors to make end’s meet.

  • Our Communities Remembered

    A story about a friend who grew up in McCauley, and what life used to be like back then.

  • Talking About Telephones

    Methods of communication have changed a lot over the years.

  • The Aging Personality, Part Two

    Getting older can be a liberating experience. Sherry explains why.

  • The Aging Personality

    In my last column, I said I would give an example of someone in the first phase of aging, called the re-evaluation phase (In The Mature Mind by Gene Cohen). In this phase, from about age 50 into the early 60s, people re-examine their lives, changing and adding activities (or not).

  • The Aging Personality, Part One

    Three years ago when I started working with seniors, I came to understand that there was a definite difference between 60 year olds and 90 year olds.

  • The Aging Brain

    This information about the aging brain is taken from a favourite book of mine: The Mature Mind by Gene Cohen.

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