Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


A Community Introduction

Sharon at the McCauley Community Gathering and Resource Fair on November 5. A face painting artist was on hand and drew this feather from a photo on the Internet. Sharon Pasula

Hello wonderful people of the Earth. It occurred to me that it would be a good idea to formally introduce myself because I have been a regular contributor to this fine community paper, Boyle McCauley News. I love community papers. I have always read them regardless of where I have lived. I guess that is because I am community-minded. No doubt that is from my Indigenous side, as I am also an introvert, preferring quiet and solace over crowds of noisy people.

An Indigenous way to introduce yourself is to begin by saying where you come from. Historically, that would give a huge amount of information. My roots on my mother’s side are from Lac Ste. Anne. Anyone who knows anything about the Lac Ste. Anne area would know it was a former Métis settlement, a small town and close to the pilgrimage grounds. They could guess that I am Nehiyaw/Métis (Cree/Métis). This is correct. My mother was a Michif speaker but did not pass on the language to the children, hoping to help them avoid discrimination.

They could also guess that my Indigenous blood memory would dictate some of my choices. This also is correct. So, I write articles often with an Indigenous focus because I feel it is important to have a voice from the original peoples. I was raised urban and am learning intuitively and by the spirit, what it is to be one of the people of the land. This is a healing journey for me. Creator has me living in Boyle Street where I also do some of my work, both advocacy (you may have seen me at City Hall at a public hearing about the proposed Tower of Babel overlooking the River Valley) and contractual (I facilitate healing and sharing circles, blanket exercise, etc.).

I encourage you to write at least occasionally for this awesome local newspaper. It does get read and is another way to have your voice “heard.”

Sharon lives in Boyle Street. She is Cree/Métis and the Indigenous Cultural and Educational Helper with the Diocese of Edmonton (Anglican Church).

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