Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


New Manager of Community Development at E4C

Kathryn Rambow. Supplied

I’m Kathryn, the new Manager of Community Development with E4C. On November 1, I stepped into David Prodan’s shoes, and took over his old position. Now he is my boss!

I have lived on the edge of McCauley for 11 years. My husband, two kids, and I are just half a block north of Norwood School. That’s not technically in McCauley, but near enough that we spend a lot of time in the neighbourhood. Our favourite park has always been Giovanni Caboto, not only for its great playground, splash pad, and friendly statue of Mr. Spinelli, but also because of its close proximity to lattes and gelato. McCauley is the first place our kids played soccer, and where my husband graduated from enthusiastic dad to soccer coach. My older son developed his passion for swimming with the “McCauley Minnows” at Commonwealth Pool. And I mustn’t forget Boyle Street – my husband and I met and married while working at Bissell Centre, so I always consider 96 Street a romantic walk down memory lane!

The energy and connectedness of this vibrant neighbourhood have been tangible to me, and have positively affected my family’s life. My vision of community is one of strength and connection, a multi-layered intersection of relationships and shared experiences. Community is at its best when people are able to meet each other where they are at, to relish and celebrate common interests, and reach out across differences to wrestle with challenges as they arise. This is something I have witnessed in Boyle Street and McCauley, and it is my privilege to have the opportunity to contribute to the life of this community in my new role.

I am located in McCauley Apartments, and I welcome you to stop in and meet me in person. The coffee is always on, and there is usually more than one friendly face stopping in at any given time. In my short time in my new McCauley Apartments office, I have discovered a lively group of people who really care for each other and their neighbourhood. The welcome I have already experienced has been wonderful, and I am impressed with the personal investment so many of our tenants have in this community, including participation at Sacred Heart Church, delivering flyers, participating in the community league and other local organizations, helping with the McCauley Clean Up, and preparing the ice for the rink. Daily I am made aware of yet another way one of our tenants shares what they have with the people in their neighbourhood. I have a lot to do to keep up with their example, but I am willing to try.

I look forward to meeting many of you as I become more familiar with the community. Thank you for the welcome so far- here’s to the start of a beautiful relationship!

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